At knit night tonight I realized that I didn't really have any pictures of my knitties. Unfortunately I thought of this after the majority of them had gone home for the evening. There's about nine of us that meet on a regular basis.
This is Paulette of the subtle wit. Sock knitter extraordinaire.
Happy Patti! Always makes me laugh.
Mutti (of course) and Tina - or Teener, as I call her. She has Norwegian rats invading her yard. No joke.
Me! I don't think I've made an appearance on the blog for a long time so I guess I'm overdue. Knitting on
Julep which doesn't look like much since it's a 36" tee shirt on 24" needles. Blob.
Next Thursday I'll take pictures of the rest of the knitties. Not pictured: Kay, Shirl, Sue, and Alisha.
Ooh, love your hair! (That's all I got today. Gotta go make more coffee.)
I've been trying to knit for the past few weeks but my fingers just don't seem to want to obey my brain. I think I understand the theory, the application is the problem.
How long does it usually take to become proficient?
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