Friday, May 29, 2009

Noms and knitting

Finally! Pictures of my February Lady Sweater. I started it on the 22nd and I'm speeding my way down the body. What quick and fun knitting! The pattern is a breeze - complicated enough to keep me entertained and easy enough that I don't need a pattern or a bottle of aspirin vodka. I couldn't help but combine pictures of the raspberry cake I made today with the sweater. What a match they make. The yarn is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes that I dyed a few months ago.
The recipe is from the latest issue of Gourmet - one of their quick recipes that I love so much. MMMM - it's so good. Go get an issue and make it. NOM! Took me about 10 minutes to throw together and half an hour to bake. Voila!
Jealous yet?


In other news: spinning!
Fiber: BMFA Jabberwocky Mulberry Silk and Superwash Merino
Single spun striped and navajo plied
light fingering weight
377 yds/ 1.8 oz/ 49 g
...and I still have a few ounces to spin - yay!
This definitely qualifies as comfort spinning. I love silk and merino blends. They're heaven on the hands. The colors in the roving look very jewel-toned, but when you see the yarn from a distance it looks like autumnal colors. Wonderful either way.
The sweet peas we planted last year decided to grow this year. There are two that are growing quite fast. I borrowed a bird feeder used for peanuts to stop the peas from growing in between the siding on the house and it seems to be working. I hope the squirrels and birds don't want their peanuts any time soon.


Chris said...

Wait, what yarn are you using for your FLS?

turtlegirl76 said...


allisonmariecat said...

Oooooooh, cake...raspberry cake...What's that you were saying? Oh, yes! Knitting! I love the colors of your February Lady. I've been eyeing that pattern, but I don't think I have yarn on hand to make it, and I'm trying to mostly knit from stash.

Your spinning is just amazing!!!

Peas! Why didn't I think of planting peas? Next year...

Stefaneener said...

The cake looks GREAT.

And I'm jealous of your spinning time!! I probably just need to do it, rather than all the other stuff I'm frittering. So beautiful.