Monday, October 13, 2008

In a rut

As I'm sure you've noticed, there has been little or no knitting content in the last two posts. I've been working pretty exclusively on three projects: Laminaria, squares for a friend to sew into a baby blanket (a knitting group project), and hats for unfortunate children in Mongolia. I may do a separate post about the hat thing.
If you can believe it, I'm on the last row of Laminaria. THE LAST ROW!! Can you see my tears of joy? After this row all I have to do is bind off 629 sts. Oh joy.
Other than that, there's been no knitting. What have I been doing?

Baking apple tart (lemme know when you get sick of the food photos),
finding massive spider webs covered in dew that remind me a little bit of lace,
and spinning... a little bit. I have maybe half a bobbin of single spun. I'm going to try spinning a cabled yarn. No navajo plying this time. It's about 7 oz of Shetland wool that I'm calling Wintersmith. Yes, I read too much Terry Pratchett.
That's all.


Chris said...

I feel faint after contemplating binding off 629 stitches... but then, I'm working on a top-secret afghan project, knit from the center out... and I have the feeling I'll binding off a lot more stitches than I anticipate by the end.

April said...

Did you need my address to send that Apple Tart to? Yes? No?


allisonmariecat said...

629 stitches?! Yuck. Puts my end-weaving for the striped baby sweater into perspective. That'll be my new response to unfortunate situations: "Could be worse! I could be binding off 629 stitches."

I love your photography. I wish I could blame my clunky, inept photography on my camera, but I sense it's me. Also, beautiful tart! I am far too lazy to roll out crust dough, so I tend to make cobbler a lot.

I love this time of year!

Stefaneener said...

There isn't any "too much" reading Pratchett. Really.

Lovely photos.